Friday, August 22, 2008

Skin Graft update

I've been waiting to update on what is going on with Grace's skin graft because nothing has really been clear this week concerning the whole issue. Monday when I got to the hospital I was informed that the Plastic Surgeon came by to look at the picture of Grace's wound and he felt that it had narrowed quite a bit and that the need for a skin graft was no more. He however wanted to wait until seeing it in person on Wednesday to know for sure. So though nothing was definite I was still thrilled to hear that this was a possibility.

On Wednesday, the plastic surgeon was able to be present for the wound change and realized that the picture he had seen was deceiving and Gracie indeed would need a skin graft. His concern is that there is still so much granulation tissue that they still need to debris it and give it some more time because he isn't sure the edges are ready to accept a graft. So the tentative plan is to look at the wound today and if it looks ready she may be going back to the OR on Monday or Tuesday.

The doctors don't want to extubate her before she goes to the OR--that just seems pointless, so we are still just sitting and letting our sweet girl rest. The are, however, trying to strengthen Grace's lungs by coming down on the rate settings of the vent--she seems to be tolerating it well. So the plan is to just sit tight and wait for the skin graft, if all goes well they will immediately start the weaning process.

So we will just enjoy being able to hold her more while we are at the hospital and hope that things will go well when the time comes to have Gracie start working more.
Can you tell how comfy she is in her mama's arms? Before I held her she was wide awake and content, within two minutes of being placed in my arms she fell sound asleep!


Crystal said...

very content! I love her shirt!

Megan said...

That's so happy--to know that you can give your child comfort. Hooray!