Gracie being silly and hamming it up.
Oh my finding time to update the blog is next to impossible. I have many post ideas going on inside my head, but just can't find the time to actually sit down and post them. Girls are in bed, Ryan just ate and is asleep so hopefully I can get this update done.
Morgan and Gracie on Halloween--too bad the rain kept Gracie in the house.
Gracie has been up to so much lately that I just want to share how much this little one has been developing and progressing. We go back to Cardiology in December and are anxious to see what the doctor thinks of her. She is weighing in at 23lbs and 12oz, I'm thrilled but it makes carrying her and her oxygen and a newborn so difficult when we have to go out without Jason. I am so happy that I switched her to the blended has worked miracles in our Gracie.
Grace is talking up a storm these days, though a lot of what she says is hard to understand, she is communicating more with words then by crying. Here is a list of some of her most used phrases:
I sit
Bite peas---I want a bite please
Mo chi---More chip
Minnie mou----Minnie Mouse
Ousid-----Outside or Einstein
Ninitee----Night Night
Neigh neigh----horse
As I type this I realize this list is actually quite these are some of our favorites.
We still have physical therapists coming 4 times a month and will be adding a speech therapist next month. We are still going to motor skills class once a week as well. (The thought of her aging out of the Early Intervention Program in July just freaks me out.) Grace has also started a therapeutic horse riding class called Courage Reins, where she gets to ride a horse for 20 minutes once a week. The idea is that horse riding helps improve confidence, strengthens different muscles, works on sensory issues and so much more. Gracie absolutely loves it!!
This is dark, but I wanted to show her and all the horse.
We are just amazed at how far Gracie has come and what she is doing. She is learning to love to stand and is trying so hard to pull herself up, but she still isn't strong enough, but she'll get there.
Gracie practicing standing on Morgan's scooter. She loves when we push her around and she gets to go for a ride.
Check out these videos of what she is working 0n now, I just know that once she masters it, we are in trouble.