Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Update #1

Sorry for the delay in an update, we have been here for several hours with very little progress. We got here at 6am for 7:30am surgery. Gracie was happy and carefree as while we waited. It was sweet while we were driving up here Gracie askednif she could say a prayer ( we had just prayed). Her prayer was simple and so sweet, "Heavenly Father, thank you for my heart. Bless my heart. Name of Jesus Christ, amen.". I thought this prayer was so perfect and though she doesn't comprehend that her heart is broken, she is thankful for it.

While waiting for surgery, we decided Gracie would do better with something to relax her, so she got some versed. Oh my goodness, Gracie was a riot! Though her body was so heavy and hard to control, she couldn't stop hamming it up. She kept wanting me to help her stand up so she could say hi or hello to everyone that passed by us. She was so funny that even the anesthesiologist couldn't keep a straight face. Saying goodbye was hard but she left us laughing as she yelled weeeee as she was pulled into the OR.

My sister-in-law wanted me to post what exactly is being done in this surgery. Basically a gortex tube will be attached to her inferior vena cava and then connected into her main pulmonary artery. This is done to separate her red and blue blood to take some of the work off of her heart. The doctor may also tighten up her mitral valve if it is really leaky.

At 9 am all the lines were placed and the first incision was made. By 10:30am very little progress was made due to the extensive scar tissue. We should be getting another update very soon.


Hollie said...

Thanks for the update! Keeping the prayers going for you, I hope that everything goes smoothly!

Allison said...

I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you all! I hope that surgery was successful and that she has her pain well managed for some decent rest tonight. Hang in there!

cici said...

Hugging you little Gracie and the Doctors in Prayer.
Please keep us worrywarts updated!

Vovó B said...

Thinking of you....hope all is well.

Petersen Palace said...

Zeke had versed today too. He was a funny little monkey! I hope all is well by now!