Things are going well here at home--just really busy and I'm about to become even busier. I will be going back to work
full time tomorrow and frankly don't know how I'm going to do it. Thankfully Jason has a great family that helps us a lot, but its not going to be enough if I'm going to continue working for another month or two. So we are toying with the idea of hiring some help to come in a couple hours in the afternoon and night to help with everything. I haven't decided how I really feel about this yet--I know I can't do it all alone, but the thought of having someone come and take care of my girls just because I need to work doesn't settle well for me.
Grace is doing
ok, still having a really difficult time with eating. She loved to suck on the bottle but hasn't yet been able to coordinate enough to keep from chocking and gagging on the milk. We will be completely off the
Ativan tomorrow night and in another week we'll be off of methadone. She seems to be doing well with the wean---but I'm still kind of wishing we weren't giving up the "good stuff."
Morgan seems to be adjusting well to having Grace around. Today I left them alone for just a couple of minutes before Morgan came and got me and told me that Gracie was drawing...this is what I found.

(Notice the paper and pen on Grace's lap.)
Deanna and Jason: I told em how jealous I was she got to spend extra time with my two favorite gals! Anyways we are so happy to see gracie make improvements, we are always available to help you. I can come down W, and F afternoon and Em would love to keep coming M snd Tu so we are here for you guys! Lots of love
Mike and Em
what a good big sister--she is so cute with Grace already!
That story of Morgan helping her sister to draw is precious. I wish that I were available to help you out more with the girls. After this week, let me know if I can help you out. I love you guys. Love,
I'm a total stranger but came across your blog from another heart babies. That picture of Grace is so adorable. How sweet. It brought tears to my eyes. What a great big sister she has. I really admire how you have handled all your trials with Grace. You seem like wonderful parents.
How sweet Morgan is! She's already a wonderful big sister. I'm glad to see that you're settling in at home. You are both incredible parents and I know that you'll be able to figure out how to make things work for the next few months. Gracie is just beautiful!
Hollie and Elaina
I just wanted you to know I have been thinking of you.
My heart goes out to you because I too was faced with having to return back to work when Hope was just 6 weeks old and at that point only had her home for the past 3. It was so hard and I cried many days after leaving her. Scott and I prayed constantly to find a good situation and we were blessed with someone that came into our home to watch her so we didn't have to take her out. . .but it was hard and it pulled at my heart strings almost every day. However, I was the one covering her health insurance and that was just something she could not go without and so off to work I returned.
I pray that your employers will be understanding and empathetic to your needs too.
Heart Hugs,
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