Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Closing Chest tomorrow

I am amazed at how many blessings and miracles we have been able to see this week. Gracie is doing well---in all reality we haven't had any major set backs. She has progressed slowly, but keeps moving forward and tomorrow she is scheduled to have her chest closed.

So what will happen is that the operating team comes to Grace's room along with all the tools and supplies they will need for the procedure. By doing the procedure in Grace's room seems to eliminate added stress and complications. They will close her chest, remove some of the lines that are in her belly button and then insert a feeding tube through her nose that goes to her intestine. Since she hasn't had any food other than vitamins and fats through her I.V, they will start her on a small amount of my breast milk--1cc. So within 24 hours she'll have had almost an ounce. If she tolerates that well, her feeds will increase and eventually her tube will be moved to her stomach. The reason why they do this is because baby's digestive systems are very immature and those that experience major surgeries can have complications.

Though this is the next major step in her recovery, she will be very critical again. We have so many questions and fears, Will the procedure go well? Will she be able to tolerate the pressure on her heart with her chest closed? Will they have to reopen her chest once closed? Will she be able to tolerate the feeding tube? and so on. But we know what is meant to be will be and as long as we trust in Heavenly Father we will be able to get through it.

Thank you all who are praying and hoping for the best with Grace.


Em said...

We are praying today that her chest is able to be closed successfully. She is such a beautiful little girl and truly is blessing our lives! Let us know how things go!
Mike and Em

Douglas Lai said...

I am praying for Grace and my little Eden today. I hope all goes well for her today and she tolerates it well. I will post updates on my blog later today.
Erica Lai

Sarraphim said...

Wow. Yes, keep us updated if you can, Deanna. It's good to know that she's progressing so well so far.