Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Grace is doing ok today, yesterday she had some spontaneous trials off of the vent--she did well for the first one, however, the second two tired her out too quickly. After following her blood gases, her CO2 levels have been too high, so the rate went up from 12 to 30 (this is how many breathes the vent takes for her) to allow her lungs to expand and contract enough to exhale the excess CO2. Gracie has a lot of edema still and it is believed that the puffiness is placing too much resistance on her lungs for her to take really good breathes.

Other than that she is doing well weening off her heavy drugs and seems to be tolerating her few CCs of breastmilk. However, her wound looks really bad, the plastic surgeons want to look at it tomorrow--currently a possible skin graft is being discussed. Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it for myself so I am hoping that I will be at the hospital when they come to change the wound vac tomorrow.

In all reality, Grace is doing well for her, its a long road and we are traveling it slowly--but at least we are still traveling it!!! Gracie's nurse and I were talking about it this morning and we have seen that we can't push my little one, it is all according to "Gracie time.'

1 comment:

JENNY said...

Hey Jason and Deanna! Michelle gave us your blog address. We are hoping for the best for Grace and our prayers are with you! She is beautiful!